Day 52
Our Shrove Tuesday tradition is to go to the pancake supper at church. These are/were very tasty gluten- and dairy-free pancakes.
Annalee and Ada-Lin tried to see who could wear the most Mardi Gras beads.
Day 53
Zelda sat near the living room window one morning. I ran for the camera to capture the light on her face.
Day 54
Shame, shame...another day without a picture...
Day 55
Annalee's school had turnaround day when the kids could dress as their favorite teachers and the teachers could dress as students. Annalee dressed like her kindergarten teacher, who now teaches third grade. The make-up made her look so much older and glamorous.
SNOW! Woo hoo! It was only the third time this winter! I took this photo near my parents' house with my phone not realizing that the capture was set to black and white. I think it came out just perfectly.
Day 56
We've decided it's time to have a family pet. Or two. So, we went to a cat show. These Tonkinese kittens stole our hearts. We hope to have a pair as beautiful as these home before the end of the summer.
Day 57
My neck hurts just looking at the way Annalee is curled into the end of the couch playing on Zelda's tablet.
Day 58
Zelda and our friend Bo got to play in the mud at Brookfield Zoo.
Day 59
Zelda, Tubby and I enjoy a tea party one morning.
Day 60
Zelda looked pretty in the natural light of the family room. When I asked her to smile for me, Tubby and the hobby horse had to be included in the photo.
1 year ago
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