The peace of the house is around me. Zelda fell asleep after I realized her screaming fit meant that she wanted her belly filled with rice cereal before she could get in her crib. Annalee just finished reading her book, and her light is out. Ron turned in early.
Earlier tonight, Annalee was taking a bath while Zelda looked on. We thought Zelda seemed interested (she hasn't been keen on a full-blown bath to date), so we encouraged her. Off came her clothes, and in she went. The two of them had a laugh fest lightly splashing water on each other and on me (I was not laughing). When they were out of the tub, I held both of them on my lap wrapped up in their towels. Annalee always liked 'to be held like a baby,' and I think she was pleased that we could still do that with Zelda now, too.
That fun was followed by a dinner in which both of my children (how cool is that to say!) ate everything on their plates. Annalee always eats well, so no surprise there. But, Zelda even ate everything I gave her. As I was preparing dinner, I just thought to myself that kids need exposure to the same food several times over before they may like it. So, I pushed on and put this stuff she has declined numerous times on her plate. Next thing I know, her plate was clean!
As if all that wasn't enough to make my evening, Annalee, Zelda and I hung out on the twin bed in Zelda's room and read books together. Zelda was busy kissing Annalee and me while we were trying to read. Annalee's still not thrilled about the kisses, but she went along as best as possible. Zelda really seems to come alive in the evenings, shouting all sorts of sounds and giggles. So, we had lots of laughs together.
The real high came when Annalee took Zelda in her arms and sat in the rocker and sang 'Annalee's song' to Zelda. Annalee's song is 'You Are My Sunshine;' I have sung that song to her since I first held her in my arms. Before we left for China, I asked her if I could sing it to Zelda or if I needed to find something different. Annalee told me I needed to find something else, because that was her song. So, tonight, when she began rocking and was talking about singing, I told her I had never sung her song to Zelda but had sung other songs. And, then Annalee just started singing it to her little sister. I, of course, had to hold back the tears. The scene will forever be in my heart.
We have waited so long to complete our family. After tonight, I know everything is exactly as it should be. That's what I call peace.
1 year ago
1 comment:
Jackie, this brought teats to my eyes. How wonderful! I'm so happy for you, Ron, and Annalee!
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