Day 305
We celebrated Zelda's third family day on Nov. 1. She opened her gift first thing in the morning.
Day 306
Another spectacular sunrise. This one was out the patio door in the kitchen.
Day 307
Zelda's travel group gathered at our church to celebrate the anniversary of our adoptions. Two families weren't able to attend the party and were missed. It's so fun to see how much the children change from year to year.
Day 308
Apparently, this is the only picture I took this day. It looks to be the early colors of sunrise through the trees in the backyard. A pretty pathetic shot, if you ask me.
Day 309
I bought an abundance of Chiquita bananas (the very best) when they were on sale. Once they ripen, I cut them up and freeze them. We use them to make smoothies. Delish!
Day 310
Annalee looked so chic with her hair in a bun.
That same evening, Papa (Dad Bob) had some company while he relaxed on our couch.
Day 311
These cats constantly amuse us. That's Portia with her legs straight up while Cinna rests his head on her belly.
Day 312
Pomegranate season was upon us. It is Annalee's favorite fruit...well, along with watermelon.
Day 313
Whenever I can't find the kittens, I have to remember to look in the laundry room. On top of the washer, in the dirty laundry basket. Ick.
Day 314
Zelda and I made a chocolate cake for me to take to a class at church. When her face looks like this I'm never sure how much she actually gets into her mouth.
Later that day, as we headed out to the party to celebrate Annalee's eighth family day, I captured this sunset just down the road from our house.
These are 13 of the 18 girls who came home in Annalee's adoption group. They're growing up so fast! Annalee is in the pink.
Day 315
Cinna sleeps on Ron under a sleeping bag. He's a big baby (Cinna, that is).
Day 316
I remember a picture I took in February after we returned from Puerto Vallarta that was of a wonderful fruit salad. On Nov. 12 I found myself with pineapple, papaya and watermelon, so I made the same salad, tossed with a squeeze of lime juice.
Day 317
I was surprised one morning to find Portia resting on the vent in the bathroom.
Day 318
I have bored myself with images of the sky at sunrise, so I'm sure you're bored, too!
Day 319
The sun was just setting on our way home from the library one afternoon. My phone captured it as a huge glowing fireball.
Day 320
Portia likes to play in our library basket.
Day 321
The table at our church dinner dance looked so pretty lit by tea lights.
Day 322
This was the best of the first group of pictures I took of the girls for our 2012 Christmas card. I liked it, but I still did a couple more shoots to get the one that actually made the card.
Day 323
Zelda and Tubby hosted a tea party.
Days 324 through 328...
...went by in a blur as I ended up sick with pneumonia. I spent five days that included Thanksgiving in bed and am still gaining my energy back today as I write this (Dec. 27). I figured I was feeling better when I remembered to pick up the camera to continue work on this year-long project.
1 year ago
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