Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 2013

May Christ our infant savior give you the joy of the Bethlehem shepherds, the awe of the worshiping sages and the humility and love of the holy family. May you become as little children and the blessing of God our Creator, Redeemer and Giver of life be with you always.


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Fourth Sunday of Advent, Dec. 22, 2013

May Christ the sun of righteousness shine upon you and scatter the darkness from before your path, and the blessing of God almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God, Mother of us all, be with you and remain with you for ever.


Monday, February 25, 2013

First Sunday in Lent, Feb. 17, 2013

(Yes, I know I'm not posting this on the first Sunday, but it's the same blessing throughout Lent, so enjoy it any time it comes, please!)

May Christ who calls you to take up your cross, give you strength to bear your own and one another's burdens, and the blessing of God our Creator, Redeemer and Giver of Life be with you always.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Epiphany Sunday, Jan. 6, 2013

May Christ's bright star enlighten your mind and heart as you strive for equality, justice and kindness in the world and the blessing of God almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God, Mother of us all, be with you and remain with you for ever.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Photo Project 2012 - Day 365

Day 365

I started this 365-day photo project with a picture of my family enjoying a good-luck, black-eyed pea dinner. It seems appropriate that we should end the year and the project with images from our New Year's Eve dinner at home with friends. The Barons joined us at home for a long evening of feasting beginning with homemade guacamole, bacon-wrapped dates, a mid point of perfectly cooked beef tenderloin accompanied by some fine wine, dessert that include chocolate souffle and an ending toast to the East Coast new year with sparkling grape juice for adults and children alike. It was a perfect way to finish the holiday season.

With this posting, I complete the year-long photo project that began on Jan. 1, 2013, when I set out to take at least one picture every day. The project had its ups and downs. I missed taking pictures only a handful of days during the course of the year; I took far more pictures in 2012 than I had in the previous few years. I was slow to post my photos to the blog. And, when I was behind on posting photos, I felt like I couldn't just write a regular post. So, I have a lot of notes in a file about posts I'd like to write. Maybe I'll get to those this year.

As I look back through our digital files and photo project posts on the blog, I know that the project gave me the opportunity to capture so many moments in 2012 that would otherwise be forgotten. Like a German shepherd riding in a convertible; drinking an amazing bottle of ginger ale; the snowman door mat still out in the middle of the summer; and an amazingly tasty banana treat that didn't come close to looking like the picture in the magazine. For those memories I am grateful.

Though I felt relief and not obligation when I looked at the camera today, I know that I will forever look at the routine or otherwise mundane images of our everyday life a little differently. And, once in a while, I just may snap a picture of them.

Photo Project 2012 - Days 342 to 364

Day 342

For a majority of the past dozen years, we have celebrated Ron's and Linda's birthdays at dinner in Chicago on a Saturday night in December. The past two years, we have done so at Erie Cafe; this year's dinner was especially delicious. And, it's always wonderful to be with our former boating pals. (No, I didn't take this picture. I took one of the outside of the restaurant that wasn't as pretty.)

Day 343

Could Portia and Cinna have posed under the tree any better?

Day 344

It's pomegranate season. Annalee is in heaven!

Day 345

Ron proudly wears a necklace Zelda made him for his birthday. And, then we teased him that he was showing a little too much skin.

Day 346

Can you see Cinna tucked under Ron's arm while Ron edits a document for work?

Day 347

This was a gimme picture for the day.

Day 348

For Zelda's holiday party at school, she got decked out in her new Christmas outfit and antlers.

Day 349

On my mom's side of the family, we have six birthdays to celebrate between Dec. 7 and Jan. 4. We sang the Happy Birthday song six times and each birthday person got his/her own candle and cupcake. Ron, Zelda and Wyatt are among the celebrants.

Day 350

For the first time, I made an advent wreath. We had it on the kitchen table and would light it during dinner. (We missed at least the first 10 days of advent while I was sick and then went searching for blue candles.) We found dining by candlelight very calming; it gave us an opportunity to talk about history and to be reflective. Though the top image is rather dark, I love the glow of the candles with Ron just behind them. We all enjoyed looking at the shadows on the ceiling the first evening when we turned off all the electric lights.

Day 351

The flag at the park district remained at half staff following the shooting at the school in Newtown, Conn.

Day 352

After visiting with Santa at the Yorktown mall, Zelda takes a ride (make that six rides) on the little train.

Day 353

I came out from seeing my napropath/chiropractor to find Zelda upside down on the chair. I'm not sure this helped her adjustment all too much.

Day 354

For math class, Annalee had to do a project about a number. She chose 65 because the dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago. She worked really hard on the poster and all the data it contained.

The evening of the same day the poster was due, Annalee had her first band concert. She is the only person in fourth-grade beginner band playing the xylophone. At the start of the concert, the director invited one student to demonstrate each instrument to the audience. Annalee played a scale.

Day 355

Our elf on the shelf, Jack, hid in Zelda's stocking.

Day 356

I went searching for the kittens one day and found them sleeping together on the top of the dress-up clothes bin.

Day 357

Jackie displaced our handmade angel to hang out at the top of the tree.

Day 358

When I asked the girls which cookies they most wanted to have during Christmas, these (non-PC named) Arabian hats topped Annalee's list. I woke up early on Christmas Eve to bake them.

 During the latter half of our Christmas Eve service, we sing Silent Night by candlelight.

I neglected to take any pictures during our Christmas Eve gathering of friends and family. But, just before the Crowleys left, I got all five girls in front of the tree for this fine portrait.

Day 359

We have had an on-and-off tradition of popping British crackers as we start our Christmas dinner. Everybody has to wear their crowns. If we were to give an award for wearing the crown the longest, mom would have won. She had hers on into the evening.

Day 360

This is the last picture taken of Zelda as a four-year-old. After I took it, she began crying about not being four any more.

Day 361

She managed to be all smiles the next morning when she began opening her gifts.

I took the girls to Brookfield Zoo to enjoy the holiday lights display. It didn't have quite the winter holiday feel without snow on the ground.

Day 362

Rather than a traditional cake, I made birthday cake balls for Zelda's birthday party. I thought they looked as good as anything coming out of a bakery (if I do say so myself).

Zelda got to blow out candles twice on her birthday, one with her little friends and one with family. She had a Hello Kitty pajama party with her friends and kept on her pajamas for the entire day (and the next day, too!).

Day 363

We were very happy to be witnesses to friends Louisa and kClare's blessed union.

Day 364

It was 'Comfy Day' at church, so the girls wore their pajamas. Annalee was all smiles about it, though she did start to feel conspicuous when we went out for breakfast after the service.