Annalee has taken to making herself a fried egg every morning for breakfast. However, she hasn't quite gotten the hang of it. If the yolk breaks in the pan, it's a goner. On April 10, it took three eggs to get it right. These are the first two that went into the garbage. From here on out, I told her I'd eat the broken yolked eggs.
Day 102
I made these candles for friends and family at Christmas. I'm happy I kept one for myself.
Day 103
An ooops day, as in ooops, I forgot to take a picture.
Day 104
Zelda and I had a 'pleasant party.' "You have to be pleasant," she told me in her Snow White sing-song voice.
Day 105
Our nephew Carter turned one on April 17. We celebrated on April 14 at his first birthday party, smash cake and all.
Day 106
For the first time, I took on coffee hosting duty at church. I had so much fun baking and trying new gluten- and dairy-free recipes that I've signed up to do it again in a couple months, with help from mom. I baked everything except the store-bought glutenated coffee cakes in the top right of the picture.
Day 107
Zelda had been asking me for bumbleberry jam, my homemade specialty. It has been months since we've had any in the house. So, we made a triple batch. She's already asked if we can give one each to her two preschool teachers. Good thing we made a lot.
Day 108
For spring school pictures, Zelda wore a new dress that I ordered from zulily. We love it - the dress and the online store!
Day 109
I can't believe I was able to wait two days to crack open a new jar of bumbleberry jam. It is mighty fine!
Day 110
The girls and I are on a smoothie kick, so I bought four bunches of bananas. As they ripened, I sliced and froze them. Now when we want a smoothie, I just grab a handful of frozen banana slices and toss them in the blender with the other ingredients and, voila, icy cold smoothie. How do you like the Roseville bowl? It was my Grandma Rose's. Every time I look at it, I remember how it sat on her dining table (which was the kitchen table) in Elmwood Park.
Day 111
Yes, these days were uneventful. Hence, the pictures of fruit. Here is a pear I sliced after school with the apple slicer.
Day 112
Ron took this picture for me, while I hung out feeling icky on the couch. The girls enjoyed a lazy Saturday morning in our bed watching TV.
Day 113
I had everything I needed on the ottoman.
Day 114
Annalee is in Go Green Club at school. They planted marigolds and morning glories. So far, only the marigolds have come up. Or is it the morning glories? I don't think we'll know for sure until they get a little bigger.
Day 115
As the days get longer, the sun rises further north. This is my view out the kitchen window at around 6:15 a.m.
Day 116
A clear sign of spring - Canada geese on the roof of the building behind us.
Day 117
Boredom. The light cast from my sweet little computer lamp.
Day 118
Annalee's school has been doing a two-week unit on decades from the 60s through the 2000s as the school celebrates 50 years. For Decades Day on Friday, everyone dressed up in decade fashion. Can you guess which decade Annalee chose? I think she was most excited to wear flip-flops to school. It's the first time I ever let her do that!
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