Sunday, September 30, 2012

Photo Project 2012 - Days 251 to 269

Day 251

Zelda started lounging on the couch after doing a special 'dress-up' dance for a friend. Cinna decided the dress was a comfy place to rest.

Day 252

I took the girls to the pet store to pick up food for the kittens. I couldn't stop laughing as we passed this container of lizards. Or were they geckos? I don't know. But, they were really funny looking.

Day 253

As irritated as I am by Portia taking up residence on my computer, I usually stop to take a picture before setting her back on the floor.

We couldn't capture a great image of Cinna freaking out for his dinner, but if you look closely, you can see his paws splayed out ready to grab the bowl.

Day 254

I finally bought a new saute pan for making our fried eggs. Annalee and I both got tired of the last pan where the eggs stuck and then the yolks broke.

They're just so cute, I couldn't not post this picture.

And, then, we saw this dog in the car early that evening. The girls and I cracked up. So, it gets posted, too.

Day 255

If Portia isn't on my computer, she's on Ron's desk, making herself at home.

Day 256

I found this ginger ale at a local bulk food store. It reminded me of the way ginger ale used to taste, when I was nine years old and it was all my grandma had to drink at her house. I didn't care for it then, but, oh, how I savor that flavor now.

Day 257

I raised the kitchen blind at dawn to find a crescent moon (lower near trees) and Venus in the eastern sky.

Day 258

Are you sick of pictures of the cats? I'm not...yet. I'm looking down at them as they snuggle together in the top of the cat tree.

Day 259

Friends asked me to take a family portrait. I think this came out pretty nice.

Day 260

Yes, that's Portia reclined on my laptop.

Day 261

Ron and I returned home from dinner with friends to find Annalee and Portia getting cozy in my bed. She should have been sleeping in her own.

Day 262

Day 263

I moved some containers around in the kitchen and realized we had an abundance of fruit. Bananas and peaches and pears, oh my!

Day 264

When all else fails, take a picture of the kittens. Aren't they so sweet?

Day 265

Gretchen can't pass up an opportunity to hold Cinna (or Portia, or both).

Day 266

I love the shadow of this image.

Day 267

When Portia can't sit on the laptop, she sits on the lap of whomever is in the chair. In this case, Annalee.

Day 268

Dad and Pat came over to watch Zelda. They had a chance to meet Portia and Cinna, too. At separate times, each kitten took up residence on my dad's chest. Shocking, since he really doesn't like cats. At all. I'm beginning to think it's all talk.

Day 269

Zelda has been very concerned lately about the life of Tubby, her little hippo. She's starting to recognize how much wear 'n tear he's endured in the past three years. So, I'm taking more pictures of the two of them together.

Zelda Goes Back to Preschool

On Friday, Sept. 7, Zelda returned to the park district preschool program. This year she began the four-year-old program; she'll attend three half days a week. No need to rush her into school five days a week; full-day kindergarten will be here soon enough.

Can you tell Zelda just loves to pose for the camera? (Photo Project 2012 - Day 250)

Photo Project 2012 - Days 247 to 249

Day 247

Portia wanted to get a closer look at Annalee playing the piano.

Day 248

On Tuesday, Sept. 5, Ron left on a week-long fishing trip to Canada with friends. He landed a muskie, but it got away before they got it into the boat.

Day 249

I was so charged up by the Democratic National Convention, I took a picture of the TV.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012

Live without fear: your Creator has made you holy, has always protected you, and loves you as a mother. Go in peace to follow the good road and may God's blessing be with you always.


Monday, September 3, 2012

Photo Project 2012 - Days 239 to 246

Day 239

Aug. 27 was my brother-in-law's 42nd birthday. We celebrated with dinner at Las Palmas. Yummy fajitas!

Day 240

Zelda had been begging to go to Brookfield Zoo for weeks. The stars aligned and we were able to go last week after Annalee returned to school. We brought my twin niece and nephew with us for the day.

My favorite summer exhibit is the butterfly house. Zelda managed to get a butterfly to walk onto her finger when none of the staff  - nor mommy - was looking (that's a big no-no).

Wyatt didn't have to do anything for this butterfly, whose proper name escapes me now, to land on his water bottle. The butterfly was seeking a droplet of water.

Day 241

This was Annalee's after-school snack: leftover mac 'n cheese, scrambled egg, mango and raspberries, presented ala Chopped.

Day 242

Ol' blue eyes. Well, they're actually aqua, but against the blanket they show more blue.

Day 243

This is the cat tree we bought for Portia and Cinna. They love it. It sits just inside the family room and right next to the kitchen, so they can see everything going on around them - when they're not sleeping, that is.

Day 244

Day 245

We can't do anything on the computer without one of the cats getting onto the desk. They try to 'catch' the cursor/mouse on the monitor.

Day 246

I couldn't pick just one of these, so you get a bonus for today.

Another First for Annalee

The start of fourth grade also gave Annalee the opportunity to begin acolyting at our church. As an acolyte, she will carry in one of the candles during the procession and recession. She also holds the candle while the gospel is being read, and she accepts the wine and host from the person(s) presenting oblations.

Ron was overjoyed with the idea of Annalee becoming an acolyte. He joined the Episcopal faith later in high school and never participated in the service to that degree, even though he is a lay Eucharistic minister (LEM) now (among many other responsibilities at our church). Annalee, on the other hand, was not enthused. At all.

The robes and the candle changed that. Once training was completed, she looked forward to her first day as an acolyte. And, she did a perfect job. It made the day all the more special that her dad was along side her as a LEM. (Photo Project 2012 - Day 238)

Photo Project 2012 - Days 236 to 237

Day 236

We barely saw Reasner all summer and then due to an unexpected turn of events, she was back over a couple days later. This time as a Cinderella bunny.

Day 237

Even though I should have been squirting Portia to get her out of the dishwasher, I stopped to take a picture first because she looked so funny in it.

Pretty Cinna...

Back to School for Annalee

On Aug. 23, Annalee began fourth grade, for the whole day no less! While I rather enjoyed that school started with a bang, she was not pleased to begin with a full day rather than the historical half days she rather liked.

My beautiful girl is growing older by the minute, and it really shows in these images (Photo Project 2012 - Day 235). Even more so when you compare them to last year's back-to-school pictures.