Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pentecost, May 27, 2012

Let us depart from this place in peace and as we go on our way,
forget not the poor, 
pray for the sick, 
make no peace with oppression,
and love one another as God in Crhist has loved us;
And the blessing of God,
Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer of all
be upon you this day and always.


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Photo Project 2012 - Days 126 to 139

Day 126

Our sole poppy bloomed on May 5. I have a sneaking suspicion that Ron killed off the many others I planted last year when he was hitting the back beds with weed killer.

Day 127

On May 6, we celebrated - officially - Annalee's 9th birthday with family and friends that are our family. When all the party festivities were done, it was time for dress up!

 Day 128

After all the birthday festivities from the previous few days, it was time for Zelda and I to relax and play with Play Doh for a while.

Day 129

Zelda prepares to leave for preschool - where they were having crazy hair day!

Day 130

Watching Chopped on the Food Network has given us all new ways to enjoy our meals together. I've branched out in my cooking. And, Ron and the girls (especially the girls) have taken it upon themselves to critique my dishes. On May 8, I plated the top dish, which I thought would look much better than it did. Then, Annalee took a stab at it (bottom), running out to grab parsley from the garden even. I think hers looks much better. Despite my failing in the presentation, the taste was wonderful and fulfilling. The girls gave me a 10!

Day 131

After 2-1/2 years since our last trip to China, I finally broke out these Chinese headpieces for the girls to play with. Zelda needed a crazy 'hat' to wear at a park district event.

Day 132

Annalee has been working hard to master making a fried egg, not too runny and definitely not too cooked. This day, she excelled.

Day 133

Zelda and I hung out at Lowe's while Annalee attended a Harry Potter Festival. I loved the look of these flowers, whose name totally escapes me now.

Day 134 - Mother's Day

We celebrated Mother's Day at a local pizza place that had a special buffet. Here's my mom and dad Bob. Mom's wearing the special corsage I bought her. We're trying to bring back the old tradition.

Day 135 


This is the corsage my mom gave me for Mother's Day.

I thought I had my picture of the day when I took the corsage, but then Annalee brought me this little bunch of flowers that she wrapped tightly with a leaf. They were too picturesque not to include. I love the water droplets on the petals.

Day 136

We were getting ready to go to sleep when Ron told me that Cindy, my sister-in-law, told him over the weekend that she's been enjoying my photo-a-day-project on the blog. With that, I remembered that I hadn't taken a picture this day. So, I hopped out of bed and ran to the kitchen. I have always loved the way our kitchen glows from the nite light on the microwave. Thanks Cindy!

Day 137

I love our chalkboard wall in the kitchen. It is such an integral part of our daily lives.

Day 138

I was only going to post  Annalee's pictures from her third grade music show, but I couldn't pass up Zelda's twirl picture as we were getting ready to leave for her dance recital pictures.

Annalee is in the third row from the top, second in from the right, between the huge afro and the baseball cap.

Here are the girls with friends Alaina and Madison after the show. Annalee was going for the hippie look of the 70s since the music show was celebrating the decades - as the school has been doing for the past couple of months while honoring its 50th anniversary.

Day 139

My family has a new addiction - rock climbing! We recently rejoined the local YMCA. We're trying to make use of their many programs and facilities. Friday night is open climb night. So, up they went....over and over and over and over again. It made for a great night of sleep for everyone!

Follow-up: I have been reminded that the pretty flower from day 133 was foxglove. Thank you, again, Cindy!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


I began writing this post in late 2010 to capture a couple of the funny things Zelda was saying (over and over). As the months (and years) have passed, I added a few more things. I figured now was as good a time as any to give everyone a laugh.

We'll start with her self-portrait, taken in November 2010.

Zelda: I'm not telling you 'til you guess!


Mommy: (Counting to elicit an action/response from Zelda) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Zelda: Blast-off!


Daddy: Zelda, can I eat you up?
Zelda: No, I'm not food.


Zelda: Mommy, I love you so much.
Me: Zelda, I love you too.
Zelda: Then, we must be lovey doveys together.


Zelda: I read (past tense) some books that you have read to me and one new one.
Mommy: What was the new one?
Zelda: I don't know. I can't read.

Photo Project 2012 - Days 124 and 125

Day 124

The night before Annalee's birthday party, I put the girls to bed and got down to business decorating 12 owl cupcakes (Hedwigs from Harry Potter). When I finished, I felt like I was being watched. I wonder whooo it was?

Day 125

While her friends sang 'Happy Birthday' to Annalee, she kept a tight grip on my hands as I sat next to her. I don't know if she was nervous for all the attention, but it was kind of sweet.

Photo Project 2012 - Day 123

It was the end of the day and I hadn't taken my picture. This little nosegay of flowers that my mom bought for Annalee at her recital was looking at me. So, I grabbed my phone and took this close-up image.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mommy Crafting

Photo Project 2012 - Day 122

It occurred to me today, as I was getting crafts ready for Annalee's birthday party, that I really like the crafting party of being a mom and/or planning a party. Maybe I just like crafting. Maybe I just like crafting, alone. No. I do like to craft with the girls, and I love to bake with them. But, I think some days it's nice to be alone - and hear myself think. I think May 1 was one of those days.

Annalee's having a Harry Potter-themed party - with boys! It's our first party where boys have been invited. Thankfully, it will be a small group - only those in the Harry Potter club that the kids have created during recess.

So, today was wand-making day. While Annalee and Zelda were at school, I got out dowel rods, paper, Mod Podge and the hot glue gun. First I rolled the rods in the paper to create the wands. Then, I covered them in Mod Podge to seal the paper. The fun part was covering them in hot glue and creating patterns or just plain blobs of glue. I can't take credit for this idea. What would we do without the resources of the internet?!? Here's my source on this one, combined with a little bit of my own ideas.

During the party, the kids will get to paint the wands to take home. I loved the crafting part of the day. I just found it strange that, when Annalee tried them out after school, I had to tell her which end was the part you hold and which was the end you point at something to send a curse.

And, here I thought she was the Harry Potter expert.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Photo Project 2012 - Day 121

I thought Annalee looked pretty hip today as she headed off to school, so I took her picture. Zelda had to get in on it, pajamas and all. Annalee was heading off to running club after school.