Monday, January 12, 2009

Sunday, Jan. 11, 2009

This week's blessing:

The Wisdom of God, the Love of God, and the Grace of God strengthen you to be Christ's hands and heart in this world, in the name of the Holy Trinity.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Top 15 Color Inspiration #36!

Wowwie kazowwie (as Annalee likes to say)! I just checked Kristina Werner's color inspiration #36 round-up, and I made her top 15 cards. How freakin' cool is that? And, I didn't even think the picture I posted did the card any justice. I guess there was just something there she liked.

Now, I can't wait to tell Betty about how her birthday card's gone international. But, that'll have to wait until tomorrow, when I call her to say "happy birthday."

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Color Inspiration #36

Here is this week's color inspiration from Kristina Werner.

It came just in time for me to create a birthday card for Betty, my mother-in-law. I just hope she doesn't see it here before it arrives in her mailbox in North Carolina. Her birthday is Jan. 7, so happy early birthday, Betty!

I used a stamp from SU's Touch of Nature with both rose red and pretty in pink inks, DSP in old olive, and old olive and whisper white cardstock. The ribbon is rose red. I used the scallop punch on the edge of a piece of cardstock to get the little 'tufts.' I wasn't sure about adding the chunky glitter - I thought it might be a bit too much - but it turned out to be just the right touch.

While I was stamping, I made a card for our friend Tony. His birthday also is on Jan. 7. I like that the colors in the DSP are gender-neutral. They make for a nice man-card. The colors are pumpkin pie, brilliant blue (I think), bashful blue and wild wasabi.

Tony's card is a knock-off of a card I made the other day for my friend Chickie, whose birthday is Jan. 5.

For Chickie's card, I was planning to make a ruffle out of the twill tape, after I stamped HAPPY BIRTHDAY on it. But, I stopped. I kind of liked the way the tape folded over but could also stand up. What do you think?

And, now that I'm thinking about it, I still need to make a card for my dad Bob. His birthday is Jan. 4. Yikes! This first week of January sure is birthday busy!